Anum Foundation is a Charitable Trust providing all Basic necessities to the Poor and Underprivileged children’s of the Society. The Trust Emphasize on Women’s Development & Empowerment, Children Education Program and Women Saving Awareness. Providing Ration and Basic Necessities to the Poor Family. Helping Hands to the Senior Citizen. Giving Support and Encouragement to the Widows.

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मुंबई के जिल्हा अघिकारी (कलेक्टर) डॉ.राजेन्द्र ब. भोसले व महाराष्ट्र राज्य कैबिनेट मंत्री श्री.मंगल प्रभात लोढ़ा जी द्वारा (S.E.O.) (SPECIAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER) Government of Maharashtra नियुक्ति पत्र मिला !!




दैनिक मुंबई अमरदीप का 15 वा एनुअल फंक्शन बड़े ही उत्साह पूर्वक मनाया गया एनुअल फंक्शन के अवसर पर फिल्म दुनिया के मशहूर संगीतकार दिलीप सेन के हाथों सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता एवं अनम फ़ाउंडेसन के संस्थापक अध्यक्ष: सय्यद मोहम्मद शमीम को महाराष्ट्र गौरव अवार्ड 2024 पारितोषिक देकर सम्मानित किया गया !

ACP Shri.Shashikant Mane Assistant Commissioner of Mumbai Police & ( Special Executive Magistrate), D.N. Nagar Division & Mr. Mahesh Mugutrao ji ACP (Assistant Commissioner of Mumbai Police & Special Executive Magistrate – Santacruz Division Mumbai) Senior Police Inspector of Shri Rajendra Kane ji (Police Inspector) Arun Ghodke ji & (PI) jyoti Hegde mam & Sanjay bhagwan mante ji (Police Inspector ) Congratulated Sayyad Mohammed Shamim for {S.E.O} Post and appointment letter!!

I would like to thank L.H.A.D. Ansari Foundation’s founder Ziaul Haq Ansari ji, his team and Dhadak Kamgar Union founder Maharashtra’s worker general secretary Abhijeet Rane ji, for giving me the honor of ‘Rising Star of Brilliance Personality Award’ for the social services activity done by Anum Foundation &Team.

On the Occasion of Children’s Day, Anum Foundation organized a Free book distribution and celebration for students (Class 1 to 8) at Juhu Tara, Municipal Hindi School. We would like to Thank🙏 all the honourable guests for gracing the event with their enthusiastic presence & making this event a success.

मुंबई पुलिस सम्मान समारोह सांताक्रूज पुलिस स्टेशन के श्री जयप्रकाश भोसले जी (ए.सी.पी), श्री बाळासाहेब तांबे जी (सिनियर पी.आय.), श्रीमती ज्योति हिबारे जी (पी.आई), श्री विश्वासराव जी (पी.आई), श्री हनुमंत बाघमोडे जी (ए.पी.आई), एवम श्री धर्मेंद्र शर्मा जी (प्रेसिडेंट, रोटरी क्लब ऑफ बॉम्बे वेस्ट, जुहू) द्वारा अनम फाउंडेशन के अध्यक्ष सय्यद मोहम्मद शमीम जी को गणपति उत्सव 2022 के दौरान मुंबई पुलिस बल के सांताक्रूज पुलिस थाने को मदद के लिए प्रशंसा प्रमाण पत्र से सम्मानित किया गया।

सतर्क पोलिस टाईम्स के दीपावली 2021 पुस्तिका में प्रकाशित अनम फाऊंडेशन के सामाजिक कार्य !

इस सम्मान के लिए धन्यवाद !

75th Independence Day Celebration !!

75th Independence Day I got felicitated by Shri Jayprakash Bhosle ji (Assistant Commissioner Mumbai) & Shri Dnyaneshwar Ganore ji (Senior Inspector Mumbai Police) along with Team of Santacruz Police Station as the President of Anum Foundation for the Help and Support provided in form of Donations during the Lockdown of Covid-19 Pandemic. Receiving this certificate of Appreciation and Medal was a very proud moment for Me and my Team of Anum_Foundation. Thank you Mumbai Police and Thank you all your support.

Our Work Goes On !

As the lockdown is extended again and people are still in need of Ration. The team of Anum foundation has packed & delivered new batch of food packets to the people in need.

Food Packets Distribution amid COVID – 19 Lockdown

In the wake of this global pandemic covid-19 that has brought disaster in lives of poor daily wage earners. Those who were dependent on daily wages earned to buy food for their livelihood are the worst affected in this difficult times of nation wide lockdown in order to stop the spread of this virus. So the Team of #Anum_Foundation has taken the pledge to reach out and extend our help in providing essential food items in our help package to as many needy daily wage earners we can contact & reach. Our help package includes Rice, Pulses, Wheat, Salt, Sugar & cooking oil.

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