Note Books Distibuted to Underprevillaged Childrens
Article Published
Swatantra Mumbaikar, a weekly newspaper featured a detailed article about the Social services provided by #Anum_foundation during nationwide lockdown.
अनम फाउंडेशनच्या सामाजिक कार्याबद्दल लेख लिहिल्याबद्दल आपला समाज मार्गदर्शकचे आभार
अनम फाउंडेशनच्या सामाजिक कार्याबद्दल लेख लिहिल्याबद्दल आपला समाज मार्गदर्शकचे आभार
Work Goes On !
As the lockdown is extended again and people are still in need of Ration. The team of Anum foundation has packed & delivered new batch of food packets to the people in need.
Ration During Covid -19 Ration During Covid -19 Ration During Covid -19 Ration During Covid -19 Ration During Covid -19 Ration During Covid -19